George Batterson 1935 QSO Party

The George Batterson 1935 QSO Party is a CW event in which participants build 1935 era transmitters and use them to contact other participants.

Transmitters must be 1935 or earlier types of self-oscillators such as the HARTLEY, TNT, TGTP, MOPA, COLPITTS, CRYSTAL POWER OSCILLATORS and CRYSTAL MOPAS designed from QST, the ARRL Handbook, or any other publication or source of the period 1935 or earlier. Commercial transmitters manufactured during 1935 and earlier are also allowed. Tubes must have been available up to and including 1935.

The QSO party takes place April 5th through 7th and April 12th through 14th. QSOs should take place on 160, 80, 40 and 20 Meter bands.

The event honors George Batterson (W2GB) who helped form the Antique Wireless Association in 1952.

Source: VE7SL