National Pi Day Special Event Net

The following message is from the Roc-Ham Radio Network:


Join us on the ROC-HAM RADIO NETWORK for a pop up net celebrating NATIONAL PI DAY.

March 14, 2025 at 4:00 PM EDT / 20:00 UTC where we will have 31 fascinating Pi facts and how they effect us today.

On the ROC-HAM Echolink conference and on AllStar nodes 2585, 47620, 47918, 531310.

The ARRL special event committee has approved the special event callsign N1P for NATIONAL PI DAY.

HF Bands-20m, 40m, check back on day of event. 10m/28.405

We will commemorate this event by a special event QSL card upon request.

OPTION 1: Send a self addressed envelope to W2JLD (address is good on

OPTION 2: Send 5.00$ USD to my PayPal account DMOTORSPORTS@GMAIL.COM and not worry about a S.A.S.E.

For more info go to the website

Source: Roc-Ham Radio Network