USA Radio Orienteering Championship Results

Radio Orienteering, also known as Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF), is a multi-skill sport that involves running and navigating using only a map and compass (orienteering) while using a hand-held radio receiver and antenna to locate multiple transmitters hidden in a forest.

The top finishers of the 23rd USA Radio Orienteering Championship include:

Gheorghe Fala
Eduard Nasybulin
Erin Hammer
Sandra Quinn Giovannini
Lori Huberman
William Wright (WB6CMD)
Nadia Scharlau (KO4ADV)
Natalia Leoni
Roland Woodward (KQ4QYZ)

The 2024 event was hosted by the ARRL, the Southern Michigan Orienteering Club, and the Chelsea Amateur Radio Club.

Source: The Sun Times News