Each week so much compelling content is considered for Amateur Radio Weekly but there’s always a handful of great links that just can’t fit. These are the links that didn’t make it into issue 366 of Amateur Radio Weekly.
An Off-Center Fed Sleeve Dipole
A Sleeve Dipole is a cunning idea that employs the Skin Effect to achieve a physically end-fed, but electrically center-fed dipole antenna.
Ham Radio Outside the Box -
Radio Magic on a Cold Winter’s Night
A January FM E-Skip opening after midnight that was so unusual.
RadioWorld -
January VHF Single Op Portable
Freezing Temps, Cold & Cruel Propagation.
K5ND -
Locating an Intermittent Interferer with a KrakenSDR
KrakenSDR is our 5-channel coherent radio based on RTL-SDRs, and it can be used for applications like radio direction finding.
This antenna cost me pennies
All of the parts for my 10 meter J-Pole came out of the scrap bin of parts that I’ve collected over the years.
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Source: Amateur Radio Weekly